Out & about

Places to visit Out & about close to la ribiere sud camping

Days out

Chateaux – the nearest is at Châlus where Richard the Lionheart, King of England, was killed by an arrow. The Richard the Lionheart Way is a 180km signposted route that brings together 14 sites, mainly fortified castles which are located on the boundaries of Limousin, Perigord, and Angouleme, and all are open to the public. 

Oradour-sur-Glâne – this is a village which was massacred by the Germans in the 2nd World War on 10th June 1944 when 642 innocent people were killed. It has been left untouched since then. 

St  Jean de Cole – Medievil  village. La Grotte de Villars – underground caves with prehistoric paintings, picnic area, shop, and rambling paths through the forests. 

Lake Vassivière – This Lake is the largest manmade lake in France covering 1000 hectares. It has an island of 77 hectares in the center with a chateau and sculpture park and is surrounded by beautiful countryside. 

Parc de Reynou – Safari park with over 6oo animals. There is also a chateau, mini farm, and beautiful surroundings to explore. Wolves of Chabrières – see the wolves in their natural environment. …….these are just a few ideas


For those of you who like to be active, there are lots of things to do locally. Here are just a few ideas. Day fishing – Very reasonable rates from €12 daily. Three Oaks Lake 10km

Photography – Contact Becky to arrange classes. Web site

Cycling – by road, off-road. There is bike hire and rollerblade hire at Châlus. 

Kayaking – Brantôme, Aixe-sur-Vienne,  Saint Victurnien. 

Swimming – pools at Chalus, St Junien, and St Yrieix Swimming lakes with beaches – St Mathieu, Bussière Gallant, Flavignac, and Nexon. …also…horse riding, walking, fishing, adventure tree climbs, zip wire, velo rail, and go-karting.


There are markets every day of the week in nearby villages and towns, where local farmers and artisans sell their own produce – vegetables, fruit, cheeses, wines, fois gras, plants, craftwork, clothing, etc. Then there are vide-greniers where people sell all their old bits and pieces.

Throughout the summer each village holds a fête with markets, vide- greniers, entertainment, and firework displays. Some local markets include Châlus, Cognac La Foret, Oradour-sur-Vayres, Panazol, Piegut-Pluviers, and Cussac.


Limoges is about a 20 minutes drive away from La Ribière Sud. You can spend the day shopping or sightseeing. There is a daily covered market at Place de la Motte and street markets, a modern covered shopping mall or interesting narrow winding streets with shops, boutiques, cafes, and bars.

There are Trocs if you like to rummage for second-hand bargains. You will find porcelain manufacturers, for which Limoges is famous. Lots of eating places. Visit the Cathedral, art gallery, and gardens which overlook the River Vienne. There is a large Aquarium for rainy days.

Eating out

There are many restaurants and bars in the local villages – Gorre and Pageas highly recommended and just a few minutes drive away. In Châlus there are 2 restaurants in the center and a Pizza take-away.

Throughout the summer the village fêtes have organized meals and in the evening there are farmer’s markets where you can select and buy meat from stalls and it is then cooked on a giant BBQ. You can buy local produce to accompany the meal or provide your own salad and drinks. Take your  crockery and cutlery and enjoy your picnic “en plein air”

This is not an over-touristy area but there is still plenty to do and see. Throughout the summer all the villages have their own fetes with farmers markets, craft fairs, vide greniers, medieval banquets, concerts, organized walks, and amazing firework displays. There are manned swimming lakes with beaches, chateaux, daily markets, adventure through the trees, porcelain factories, kayaking, horse riding, and cycle paths to name just a few things.